Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Getting started

I am not an expert in running but I have some helpful tips for you...well at least they were helpful for me.  I used to be the guy that never trained and just ran but after taking some time off and having issues with my body I started to take care of myself more.

1) Choose an app on your phone that will help you track your runs.  This will help with being able to analyze your times and being able to reach your Personal Record (PR).  My first mistake was switching apps at the beginning of my running "career" not really career but I like the sound of saying career.  I currently use Runkeeper and have so for about 4 years and love it.  I did use Nike + Run Club for a little and liked it but someone told me about Runkeeper just kept using it.

2) The next thing is a playlist, you can always run without music but for me the music distracts me from running and helps me go longer distances.  I have a race playlist that has all most of my favorite music...mainly country music.  You don't have to create a playlist as there are some playlist already created on Pandora and Spotify but I like running to music I know and my songs.

3) Purchase good shoes. I was against paying a lot of money for shoes because my cheap $40 ASICS were amazing.  Well the shoes started to get old and hurting my feet so I ended up buying other ASICS.  About four pairs in I still couldn't find a good shoe, I even tried to buy the same model but couldn't find it.  I ended up purchasing Brooks Ghost 9 and they weren't good until I got inserts.

4) Purchase inserts.  I tried purchasing inserts from Walmart and Amazon and putting them in my shoes but after four or five different inserts I gave up and went to a running shop.  The only reason why I went to a specialty shop is because I have been there before and know their staff is knowledgeable. I purchase these inserts about 2 weeks ago and have completed three races (2 half and 1 10K) and they are just amazing.  I purchased Superfeet Cooper due to the way my feet are shaped.  They aren't soft but when running they feel great.

5) Purchase gear.  These gears can be anything really.  I am very cheap and so when I first started running I just use my gym gear.  After some time I have transition and bought some running gear, such as compression socks, compression pants, compression arm things, running shorts, running shirts, running jackets...and the list goes one.  There are many reasons why I started to buy running gear and it's because they are made for running.  I'm not saying to go out and buy running gear at full price.  Ease into it and find stuff on clearance.  Most of the things I have were on discounts.  For guys please avoid cotton, because it will hurt when you run a lot.  Trust me.

It looks like you are ready to run.  You don't have to run 10 miles the first time.  Take some time and ease into it.  I remember in high school I could barely run a mile but now I can run miles and miles without stopping.  It will not happen over night.  There are many different strategies in running, some like a run walk system and others like me like to run as much and then do a run walk system.  When I train I try to run four miles without stopping.  If I am having an off week I will do a run walk because I don't want to injure myself.  I like running as much in a race because once I stop it is hard to start again and sometimes it hurts more when you walk instead of run.  You will figure that out shortly. There is no right way to run, do whatever works for you because you know your body better than anyone else.  Also you don't want to hurt yourself running.  I have experienced some issues and it really sucks so take care of yourself.  You are probably tired me of me talking so I will leave you to this.

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