Friday, October 22, 2021

Hot Chocolate OKC 15K

This was my 4th Hot Chocolate in-person race and 5th including the virtual option last year.  In 2019 I was excited to hear that Hot Chocolate series was coming to Oklahoma City. For several years I was driving to Dallas to participate in the race but due to scheduling and moving I missed a couple of year so I had to start my legacy journey again.  

This year was my 3rd straight year and I finally got some awesome swag.  Did you know you get extra swag for participating in any Hot Chocolate Race in consecutive years so my next one will be year 5 then year 10.  I was excited to see that I was getting an awesome mug.  I do like the medals they were giving out but this is cool that I can take my morning coffee with this mug.  Also got a milk chocolate ball, who doesn't need more chocolate.    


                                                                3 year Legacy Swag

This year I was offered a spot in the pacing group.  I had paced in 2019 with the 14 min mile and was excited to be back for 2021 along with moving up to the 12 min spot.  Currently I feel like I am in the best shape and knew 12 min per mile was going to be easy.  The morning started really chilly and was glad I had gloves and a buff to protect me from the cooler weather.  


                                                            2021 Hot Chocolate Pacers

I really like in town races because I can see all of my running friend and get to see parts of the city I live in.  Luckily this route was the same as 2019 but also have ran part of the route multiple years in the OKC Half/Full Marathon.  I knew the terrain very well and knew I could be successful.

Starting Corrals with my running friends

As the miles went on it felt easy . I was doing run/walk method and made sure to check my watch to make sure I was on pace.  I was actually running with two watches because I am switching to Coros so both of them indicated I was on pace.  I had several friends running with me so it was great to be able to talk with them while I pace.  I did have a few runners I didn't know but they held on and kept running.  About mile 6 I ended up switching groups as some runners who were running faster at the beginning  now needed some help and others that were with me dropped back.  These runners were also friends so I was able to help them get through the last few miles.  The course was great, it was challenging and got to see all OKC had to offer.  The support was amazing too, especially after after the marathon that was just a few weeks ago.  My target overall time was 1:51:50 and finished at 1:51:31 so 19 seconds under time.  I was very happy to be under the 1 minute threshold and I am striving to get as close to the finish time as possible.  I would love to pace again because this race is so much fun and it is right in my city.

Finish line free picture

Finish Medal and Goodies

There are many aspects of the race that I love like free pictures, awesome swag and chocolate at the finish line.  This is definitely a race that I want to participate year after year.  I am excited to hear that they will be coming back for 2022 and can't wait to sign up.  

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Pikes Peak Ascent - What I didn't know until I got on the mountain

When you are thinking about hardest half marathons in the US, depending on your knowledge Pikes Peak Ascent may be on this list.  Pikes Peak has topped various list as one of the hardest half marathons.  This is a trail race that starts in Manitou Spring and climbs 7,815FT Vertical Gain.  The top of the peak is 14,115, that alone should scare you.  It didn't scare me but probably because I didn't know what I was getting myself into.  My friends were doing it so I wanted to.  At that point I had completed 44 half marathons, two marathons and currently training for another marathon.  In addition I trained in the heat to help, which I know that you can't duplicate altitude but this was the best I have in Oklahoma. Due to my crazy schedule I wasn't able to go train on the mountain, which I should have but didn't make it a priority.  

When picking up my packet I had the same feeling as any half marathon, I knew it was going to be a challenge but I had 6:30 hours I should be fine...I was wrong.  The morning of the Ascent I was so excited, it was going to be hard but we are going to finish.  The cutoffs are as followed and added my times to it as well for reference. 

NoName (8,800) - 1:40:00 - 4.3 Miles

Crossed 1:34:23

Barr Camp (10,200) - 3:10:00 - 7.6 Miles

Crossed 2:47:23

A-Frame (12,000) - 4:30:00 - 10.2 Miles

Crossed 4:11:25

Summit (14,115) - 6:30:00 - 13.32 Miles

Crossed 7:01:25

As you can see I made good time and hit the first three cut off with time to spare.  What I didn't realize that when I hit A-Frame altitude hit hard.  At the start off the race I thought we were going to power hike the first mile, little did I know we all were going to run the first mile to gain some time.  It was a hard mile but took it with intervals and finished the first mile in 13 minutes.  At that point the course got hilly so we started to power hike.  I also didn't want to burn too much too early.  Pretty soon we were stuck in a hiking/walking train up the next section.  That was a little frustrating because we are racing the clock.  It did give us time to catch our breathe but with three different cut offs before the summit every second counts.  

Once Heather and I got to NoName it was a relief to at least pass one cutoff.  I was told at this point that we could run a little but decided that wasn't going to happen due to how much of an incline there was during that part.  Once I hit about mile 5 there were some downhills and decided to take those to help with time.  I also made it a point to hike quickly at any point I can.  Around this point Heather told me to go on. I felt bad for leaving her but I had two more cut offs to get through.  I was able to drop my mile 6 under 20 instead of 24 or 25 min mile.  This happened the next few miles which helped me mentally in thinking I could make the next few cutoffs.  At around mile 6 I started to feel my head and knew this was altitude.  That wasn't a good sign but kept going.  Barr Camp was next, once I saw the sign I was so excited.  I'm more than half way up and was feeling good to continue.  It was a party there, there were so many volunteers and aid station to help. I had everything I needed so I kept going.  Before I left this section I was asked if I had a jacket and luckily I did because they were going to turn people around as it was cold at the peak...which I didn't know.  I did see some runners were able to get trash bags if they didn't have a jacket. 

With the first half of the race behind me I was excited to move forward.  I was taking nutrition earlier than normal because I knew I needed it.  I luckily ran into a friend (Dani) around mile 8 but she ended up passing me as I was losing some steam.  

I also had to stop more than I wanted to, which I knew was not a good sign but just needed to catch my breathe.  This part of the course did get a little steep and you had to climb boulders so I took my time.  I felt a little defeated when people would pass me but did what I could.  I just knew that the only thing I should be worried about was the clock.  While I climbed more my head started to pound even harder.  The only thing I could relate the pain being drunk but I wasn't drinking it was just altitude.  I knew I wasn't the only one feeling this so I pressed on.  A-frame finally came and "wow, I can't believe I made it."  I had hope to make this cutoff but just didn't know.  This is where the fun started...well the hardest three miles ever.

When I crossed A-frame I had about 19 mins so I had 2 hours and 19 mins for three miles.  I can definitely do this.  This is also where we lose any covering/shade so I would be in the sun and exposed.  My head wanted to pop but I knew if I turned around I would have to complete another ten miles so 3 miles up shouldn't be that hard right? I was wrong.  The final three miles took me almost three hours. What is wrong.  I can't even count how many times I stop but it was a lot.  I was around 11 miles when I saw my friend Karen.  I yelled at her and she actually heard me.  I thought I would never catch up because she looks so far.  I kept going and ran out of nutrition.  How did that happen? I thought I over packed.  There was nothing I could do but move forward.  I caught up to my friend and luckily she had a pack of chews I gave her a month ago so she gave it to me.  I was very thankful.  We decided to take on the mountain together. I needed support at this point as it was hard to do it by myself.  We took 15-20 steps and stop for a break and this was continuous for the next two miles.  It was like my body was forced to stop and sit or lean against the rocks.  With one mile to go I was losing hope that I would finish on time.  At one point I was like they can sweep me, I don't care any more.  There were a lot of medics so I felt safe while I kept climbing.  I overhead there were 16 golden steps so I was waiting for it...I found out afterwards that it was 16 switch backs which glad I didn't know that when I was on the mountain.  

Once we passed the 6:30 cutoff I told myself I was going to finish.  Having Karen with me help because I would push her to keep going which would push myself.  I initially thought the finish line was by the train as I kept climbing. I hiked up this weird section that was roped off and then crossed a mat. I thought to myself am I done? Did I just finish? I made sure to stop my watch in disbelief.  There were a lot of people around this area so I assumed we were done.  Shortly after I crossed a volunteer came over and put a medal on me.  I started to get emotional "what the hell did I just do and did I just finish?" Our official finish time was 7:01:22, which is about 32 mins over time but at this point who cares.  We finished.

We took a few photos and kept moving so we could move inside where it was warmer.  The volunteers were amazing.  They were packing our go bags when we got to the train platform.  A volunteer came down and took our numbers.  He said for us to take shelter and he would bring it to us.  The volunteers knew what we went through and did whatever they could to take care of us.  I was so appreciative of them.  Due to us being passed the timeline they were trying to get us off the mountain quickly.  I didn't get to look at the new center but I did get donuts thanks to Katie and Stephanie.  We got into the van and was able to catch our breathe.  They filled our van with as many runners as they could.  The drive down was terrible, it took a long time and was ready for some food.  We joked about the experience and that we would never do it again.  At the post race party we were able to celebrate with some food and a post run massage.  We also talked about how bad this idea was. 

It's been a month since I ran the race and while I didn't finish before the cutoff I was glad I did it.  It showed me that I can do anything if I set my mind to it and that I am not going to do this race ever again.  This race isn't for me and I'm fine with it.  Next up is OKC Marathon which I know will be a lot easier than Ascent. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Grandma's Challenge

"Disclaimer: I received an entry to this race to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a 
BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

I signed up for the Grandma's Challenge, which includes a 5K and Half Marathon in a weekend back in October.  This race has been on my bucket list for several years.  One day I will run it in person but with the craziness of 2020 and with my work virtual option was the best for me. Initially I was going to run by myself but ended up telling a few friends then more and more people wanted to run.  Before I knew it there were about 10 people that wanted to run.  I was super excited and we made it a whole event. We started at my house, went around the lake and then back.  It was a perfect half marathon route. 


I really wanted to plan my race at the exact time as the in person but due to when the virtual races opened I had to rethink my plan.  I decided to run my half on Saturday and the 5K the next day.  Race day came and was super excited.  Since it’s been a few months since I last raced I was a little worried I may have forgot items needed for my virtual run but I didn’t.  I looked at the weather before we started, it was about 69 degrees and the humidity was around 80.  At that point I knew it was going to be a hard race.   I made a decision to take it slower at the beginning and then reevaluate it half way through.  The temps got more warm each hour.  Luckily I have the best friends and we had several water stops, which was really needed.  I under estimated how much water we would need.  The first six miles went buy really fast. We had fun talking and just getting some early miles.  Once I hit ten miles I hit a wall, the sun was out, humidity was rising along with the temperatures.  I was feeling it and wanted to walk.  I made the decision to take it interval by interval.  Focusing on how my body felt and kept drinking water.  The last mile was the hardest, I was tired and hungry by this time and wanted to be done.  It reminded me that every race is different and this sport is relentless.  I’m amazed at what my body is out through and it continues to still let’s me run.  I was so happy. 


I woke up early on Sunday excited to finish this challenge.  I really wanted to put everything out on the road but with a 5K race and another 3 miles coaching after I didn’t know what my body would do.  I decided to run with friends and we were running about 12 min miles the first mile.  We hit our turn around at about 1.58 miles.  I decided to turn on the fire, I increased my speed and clocked 11 mins the second mile.  Then I was like let’s do this.  I was aiming for sub 10, ended up clocking 10 mins and .06 seconds.  I finally finished and was happy with what I accomplished.  I had no music and was basically on my own.  I reflected on the last two days and was happy that I participated in this virtual and thankful to the race for letting me do this in OKC.  It made my experience great to be with friends and be able to enjoy a race before my coaching starts.  I can’t wait for the swag and the medals to come.  I already cleared space for it and it will look great with my current collection.  If you have a chance definitely register for this race.  I’m hoping to be there in person next year.  

Thursday, April 22, 2021


"Disclaimer: I received this subscription box to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

I am excited to have received my first Ready.Set.MOVE. For those that don't know Ready.Set.MOVE is a quarterly subscription box created for those passionate about moving toward their fitness goals.  Each box is filled with industry-leading products, always valued at $100+, that can be used during workouts and training. Every box costs $49.99 but people can save $20 by signing up for the whole year ($179.99 total).   Boxes are shipped every January, April, July, and October.

Before receiving this box I was anxious. I have never had a subscription box and didn't know if there would be any great items in the box.  I had a friend who subscribed to a different fitness box and he ended up not using a lot of the items.  I got a sneak peak when several friends got their box and was super excited.  I tried not to pay attention to their post because I wanted to be surprised.  

Above is a picture of my box, there were so many items it is hard to see so I included one below.  I was happy to see my favorite brands such as Brooks, Nathan, KT, Honey Stinger, and Nuun.  I have spent so much money these brands it is not funny.  Now if only they could include some Brooks shoes, haha.  I also saw brands that I haven't been able to use yet but have seen in running stores and brands I knew nothing about.    With having these items in the box, it makes you have to try them so I'm glad they are there.

You can see all the products laid out. There are so many items (16 total and have listed it below), it is hard to keep track. It is hard to point out what item is my favorite because I like all of the items and they all serve a different purpose from an awesome hat with lights built in to a foot massager/roller.  

  1. SPIbeams LED Hat
  2. KT Tape Sample Pack
  3. Honey Stinger Honey Organic Gel
  4. A pack of Stickers
  5. Trigger Point Nano LTE Foot Roller
  6. Brooks Croakie
  7. The Original SPIBelt
  8. Floyd's of Leadville Mini Full Spectrum Lavender Blend CBD Balm
  9. Brooks Greenlight Headband
  10. KT Tape Recovery+ Pain Relief Gel Roller
  11. Nuun Sport Fruit Punch Tube
  12. Floyd's of Leadville Single Pack Protein, Vanilla
  13. Floyd's of Leadville Single Pack Protein, Chocolate
  14. LaColombe Triple Draft Latte
  15. Nathan Sports HyperBrite Stobe
  16. Bracoo Calf Compression Sleeves

There is even a box for your cat.  I am excited to see what is in my next box and all the goodies.  It's like your Birthday/Christmas every three months, I love receiving surprise presents.   
If you are ready to sign up use code BibRave10 for $10 off the first box for all first-time subscribers! #ReadySetMoveBR #readysetmove #BibChat

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 As we enter 2021 many are excited about what this year can bring, especially after a crazy year of 2020.  2021 brings for me racing opportunity since I was side line for months in 2020.  As I prepare for 2021 I just learned my first race of 2021 just went virtual, which was Best Damn Race NOLA.  I have been registered for this race for several years and deferring for various reasons.  I am very sadden as I wanted to have a strong comeback into racing.  It makes sense that the race was cancelled due to Covid.  Instead of deferring to 2022 my friend and I decided to do it virtual and maybe return to NOLA one day for another race in the future.

I'm still on the look out for an early spring race and will be keeping options open.  A few that I have been eyeing are Mississippi Blues Half Marathon, Mississippi River Run, RNR Nashville (even though I don't want to run another RNR race but I do love Nashville), Dallas BMW Half Marathon, Colorado Marathon and Lincoln Half Marathon.  I know that late entries will be pricy but it is worth it. I enjoy virtual races but ready for an in person race.  I almost registered for a race this past weekend in Houston but decided to wait to give myself a little more time to recover and build up strength to have a great first in person race.  My current race schedule is very much open which is kind of nice because I can work my other part time gig more and save up for more races.  Currently I am registered for two virtual races which are Best Damn Race NOLA and Grandma's Challenge.  For in person races I am registered for Hot Chocolate OKC 15K and will be registered for Route 66 Double for the fall very soon.

Are you training for any races? Do you have a back up race? Any race I should keep an eye out for?