Due to COVID I had to get tested no more than 48 hours prior to surgery and that was nerve racking waiting to get the results. I was negative and was able to move forward with the surgery. I didn't know what to expect in this surgery as this was my first procedure. I'm thankful for modern medicine, normally this surgery they would have to cut you open but now this procedure can be done as a minimal invasive procedure which means they will make small incisions (three to be exact) to complete the procedure. The night prior to surgery there were things I couldn't do such as couldn't eat or drink past 11 pm, couldn't use lotion after my shower and then the day of I couldn't have my contacts in. I made sure to follow all the direction given so that I could get the surgery.
Surgery day! My surgery was schedule at 8 am and had to check in at 5:30 am. It was a weird experience going into the hospital as COVID was happening as it was empty. They limited the amount of patients but also there were no visitors allowed. Once the nurse called me back, I knew I was walking in but going to be wheeled out. That was a weird realization. I got into my room and changed into my gown. At least five different people came into my room at various times: two nurses, the doctor, the anesthesiologist and the OR nurse. The first nurse took my blood pressure and it was very high, she was a little worried but when I shared that this was my first procedure she gave me some time to calm down before taking it again. The second nurse was the one that was going to prep me for my surgery. She was a lot of fun to have around as she lighten the mood. The funniest thing was when she tried to give me a pill and I asked if I could eat it. She just stared at me. I shared that I couldn't swallow pills and she was in shock. She was able to give me a tiny bit of water to get it down but nothing more. Then she goes to put an IV in me and the first hand didn't work well so she went over to my left hand. I said something about my body being difficult and she was like I'll beat the vain out of you. That made me laugh. She was finally able to get it in. The surgeon came in to answer any questions and mark my leg of the side that I will be getting the surgery on. Last but not least was the anesthesiologist, he shared that he will be doing a nerve block, which will block the sensation in the regional part of my body. After that he will control the rest of my anesthesia. He shared this is the best way to do it. Is it too late to turn back?
My new swag and bed for surgery.
After my little talks, the OR nurse was ready to take me away. I'm glad she wasn't driving the surgery as she accidentally bumped my surgery bed I was on into the walls all the way to the OR. I was told it is heavy from friends later. Once I got into the room, it was just a weird feelings that I'm doing this. It all happened fast but I believe there was six people in the room. They wheeled me up to the bed. First up was the anesthesiologist, he did the nerve block which was taking a needle with some type of drugs and putting it directly into my hip. The needle was not the best feeling but he said that will be the worst part. He then shared that when I started to feel tired it was him making me go to sleep. He then asked if I can move myself onto the operating table and I said yes. I moved over and within a second of getting myself onto the OR table I was out. I don't remember anything about the surgery.
Ready for surgery.
The next thing I knew was the nurse asked me how she can put my mask back on my face and that my toes were cold. I was groggy from the surgery and it was hard to move my right leg. The nurse shared that everything went well and there was water and crackers for me next to my bed. I started to eat the crackers and the second one I had I dropped on the floor, which made me feel sad. I wish someone had that on tape. Haha. Within 30-40 mins of returning to my room I was being wheeled out to the car, where my amazing friend KJ was there waiting for me. I was really appreciative that he took time off of work to take me and then pick me up. I'm not the type of person that ask for help so I'm glad that he was there. If I could have drove home I would, but that wasn't the case. Tune in later when I go through my recovery.
Getting home from the hospital.