Thursday, January 27, 2022

Los Angeles Marathon

It's been three months since running the Los Angeles Marathon.  When I was growing up I never thought I would run long distances.  Fast forward to me being an adult and I'm running marathons for fun.  I initially had a pacing gig in Stillwater and it got canceled due to low registration but also the race could not finish on the field due to football season.  I was initially disappointed in the cancellation but it opened a door to run another marathon.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to run another marathon after OKCMM but I felt like I had the physical health to beat my PR in the Marathon.  I had put the training in and wanted to see what I could do even if it doesn't end well.  


After waiting a little closer to race day because I didn't know if it would get canceled I registered for the Los Angeles Marathon. The last few weeks of training were difficult because I had just run a marathon so my body and mind were exhausted.  I took it easy with the long runs and saved it for race day.  I headed to California on Friday because of my work schedule but also didn't want to put too much energy into traveling and hanging out before race day.  I got there around 1 pm but decided to save money so I took an Uber to another location for the car rental which ended up great financially but because it was a small location it took an hour to get my car.  I ended up in traffic because of rush hour and closures.  I made it to the expo around 5 pm and picked up my 5K and Marathon packets. I was excited to experience a bigger expo (which ended up being a little smaller than normal due to COVID but still fun).  I got my packet and headed to my Airbnb.

I decided to run the 5K with a childhood friend and it was so much fun.  I wasn't worried about pace because of my marathon the next day.  It was great to be able to catch up and get some miles in during the race.  We ended around an 11:45 min mile pace which was kind of what I wanted for the marathon.  I had three goals for my marathon Goal A - Sub 5:15, Goal B - Sub 5:30, and Goal C - Sub 5:40.  It had been about three years since I raced a marathon so I didn't know what would go down.  I was excited to be able to race in my city and participate in a race where the majority of people are running the marathon.  There were a few that were running 13.1 with the charity group. 

The morning was very early I believe I got up at around 2:30 am knowing that I would have to drive an hour to the finish line to park my car but also have to get ready.  I left around 3:45 am and headed to Century City.  I arrived about 4:30 am, unfortunately, we weren't given directions on how to get to the parking lot with all the road closures.  I freaked out a little bit but I was resourceful and used google to find another entrance.  Luckily it worked out and was able to get into the structure about 4:45 am.  If I would have waited to pay I would have saved $7 but oh well.  I grabbed my hydration pack and headed to the buses.  There were a ton of buses ready to go so I was happy I didn't have to stress about finding it and getting to the start line in time.  We made our way to Dodger Stadium but ended up getting lost.  I wasn't mad because I got there early and was able to stay warm on the bus.  We got to the stadium around 6 am and had one hour before the race started.  I did some stretches and stayed warm before the race started.

It was go time.  I was so excited I didn't know what to do with myself.  I planned to negative split the marathon but sometimes that doesn't go as planned.  The first part of the race was downhill so I knew that it would be a fast few miles but also that if I did intervals that I would run into people.  I decided to take it easy on the downhill and before I knew it we were at two miles.  I decided I would not run intervals til I needed it. I was not sure if that would blow up in my face but figured I would give it a try. I would walk water stations to make sure I was hydrated and not running too fast. 

I took everything in and could not stop smiling.  It was fun to see all the iconic spots in LA but also reminisce on my memories of the city.  I made sure to try and find all the photographers since I paid for the package in advance.  The weather was perfect, it did get a little cold around mile 15 but luckily I had my gloves in my pocket so I put them back on.  

Nothing beats the experience of running a marathon in a major city and at home.  I felt strong most of the race.  Around halfway I ran up on one of the pace groups.  I can't remember which one it was I think it was 5:15 but all of the pace groups weren't in order so when I was passing them it got confusing.  I figured I would stick to my training.  I wasn't excited about the new course as you passed the finish line around mile 18 and you can see it.  Once I had passed 18 I was feeling it, I ended up running/walking when I needed it.  The temperature was getting warmer so I made sure to stop by every water stop and take my salt tablets. 

This section was hard, about 8 miles with four miles there and back.  As I passed runners coming back I was not in a good headspace.  I just didn't know how I could do it.  My pace had slowed a little bit.  I was running around 11:15 per mile and was around 11:30-12.  I just kept going and taking my nutrition.  Once I hit the turn around I was so happy.  The finish line was four miles and I can do it.  During this part of the race, I was mathing to see which goal I could hit.  I knew I was under 5:15 but knew I couldn't get under 5 but I was okay with that.  I was enjoying each mile.  The last 1.2 miles was hard, you went up a hill then down and back up.  I had taken more walk breaks but kept my pace up so that it wouldn't hurt my time.  The last .5 miles were awesome, there were so many people cheering you on that it helps me get to the finish.  We turned the corner and about .1 miles we were done.  I finished my fourth marathon and it was amazing.  

This was the best marathon experience I ever had.  I was sad that I couldn't celebrate it with anybody because I went by myself but it was still an accomplishment and I finished with my fastest marathon at 5:04:26 which was about 52 mins off of my previous PR which was 5:56:33 at Route 66 Marathon.  It was a reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to and that if you put the work in you will see the rewards. 

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