Born and raised in Los Angeles, moved to Oklahoma and found running. Running has been part of my life on and off for 7 years but I'm not letting it go again. Follow my journey and hopefully I can share my story that will help others in what they are going through.
Monday, December 28, 2020
2020 in review and looking towards 2021.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
The Elf Virtual Run
"Disclaimer: I received an entry to this race to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"
As the Christmas season approaches I'm excited to have some themed runs. Growing up I looked forwarded to Christmas day and opening presents. As I grow older I'm less into gifts and more into races. I'm excited that Ram Racing/EnMotive are putting on several Christmas/Holiday races. I would love to have an in person holiday race on Christmas day like Thanksgiving but with the current pandemic that is not an option. I'm sign up for the Elf Virtual Run which I'm super excited because I love the movie. I'll run this race hopefully on Christmas day, maybe with some snow.
I've been very impressed with Ram Racing and their swag gear. This will be my third race with this group and love getting the jacket, heavy duty medal and other swag we are given. In this race you will receive a fully zip jacket with pockets, a snow globe-inspired finisher medal, winter beanie and a personalized running bib. So why not put some motivation back into your pocket and complete this race for all of this.
I know motivation can be tough during this time, grab a family member in your household and sign up for this virtual run. The link to sign up is below and let me know if you have any question. Make sure to follow the race on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Happy Running and don't forget to tag the race and hashtag #RunWithBuddy - @ElfVirtualRun
Twitter - @RAMRacing